Cinnamon is one of the centuries-old spices well known for its culinary uses. This spice has also gained fame as the natural remedy for killing and repelling ants. Research indicates that Cinnamon has cinnamaldehyde that has the potential to scare away and kill stubborn ants. There are two types of Cinnamon that can be used as natural ant repellents: cinnamon oil and ground cinnamon.
You mix the oil with water to make a homemade ant spray or boil it with water to generate a potent cocktail. These concoctions can be applied to places where ants gain access or are regularly seen. You can also spray powdered Cinnamon to deter the insects.
Unluckily, just using cinnamon oil or powder will not take down the entire colony, particularly if you are dealing with an old infestation. Nevertheless, if applied strategically in parts where some little mess will not be an issue, Cinnamon will be a precious tool in mitigating the issue.
How it works
Cinnamon comes with cinnamaldehyde, which is a component that is toxic to insects such as ants. Whenever these insects come into contact with Cinnamon in its essential oil or powdered form, the component disrupts their nervous system and might lead to their death. The strong scent interferes with the insect’s ability to communicate and navigate through their pheromone trails, making it hard for them to find food sources and relay the message back to the colony.
To deter ants from getting into your business or home, make sure you find where they are entering. Clean that place with an environmentally friendly ant spray and apply Cinnamon in that entryway. You can also put Cinnamon oil on a cotton ball. Bear in mind that Cinnamon is only a temporary remedy, and you will need to reapply frequently.
The best way to prevent ant infestation is to maintain a clean house, store the food in airtight containers and seal all the gaps or cracks that ants can use as the entryway. Even though Cinnamon might kill individual ants, do not expect it to eliminate a major dent in the ant colony.
It’s never 100% foolproof
While Cinnamon can deter ants from entering a property, do not expect it to eradicate or eliminate the colony. It’s more helpful as a preventative measure for addressing minor ant problems. One disadvantage is that this spice might create a messy situation and is hard to clean, particularly when using the powder.
The cinnamon essential oil in its purest form can potentially leave stains, so be cautious if you are using it around tiles and light-colored flooring.
Even though Cinnamon is effective as a deterrent, the most effective way to eliminate ants is by using a sweet bait such as Terro. Ants are highly attracted to this fuel, consume it and carry it to their colony, leading to the eventual eradication of the colony. Nevertheless, in the case of a serious infestation, it’s recommended to call in a professional and seek help from a pest control professional.